What We Believe

Statement of Faith

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as the substitutionary atonement in our place, and that salvation is found in none other than Jesus Christ. Before Creation, God chose those who would be saved and granted this unearned grace solely based on His sovereign good pleasure. Jesus Christ’s death on the cross was the sole and complete payment for sins, fully satisfying God’s righteous wrath, for each person that turns from sin in repentance and places their faith in Christ alone by grace alone. At salvation each person is made a new creation by the Holy Spirit, declared righteous before God, and secured as an adopted child of God forever. Genuine faith continues in obedience and love for Jesus Christ with a life eager to glorify God and persevere to the end.

Meet Pastor Billy

Billy Lowe previously served as a Pastor at The Summit Church in Durham, NC for 5 years. He is married to his wife Allison and they have four children, Emma, Addyson, Elliot, and Keller.

Billy grew up in Central Florida and went on to play football at both Northern Illinois University and Georgia Southern University. He was a student at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte where he worked on a Masters of Theology in Biblical Studies.

It was during his time at the Summit Church that God called him to plant a church. Years of sitting under the teaching of Pastor JD Greear and being a part of a “sending church” moved Billy and Allison’s hearts to plant a church. Through years of discernment, Billy came to the conclusion that it would be selfish to stay and not multiply the lessons he learned at the Summit Church. They believe that God’s church is his “plan A” and they want to give their lives to pastoring a healthy church in Alpharetta, GA. Billy is passionate about preaching the Gospel, seeing people come to faith in Jesus, and serving others.

City Church is also a part of the Summit Network. This is a church planting network that has a vision of planting 1,000 churches in our generation. The Summit Network believes in a three distinctives: Gospel, Balance, and multiplication.

Our Foundation

We are a church whose foundation is Jesus Christ and whose authority is the Bible. Because of that, our passion is to glorify God by multiplying disciples who worship God, serve our city, and love our world.